Railroad Partners, Inc.

 Railroad Partners, Inc.
Bluebonnet  Run in the Texas Hill Country
Saturday, March 29, 2025 - McDade, TX to Giddings, TX
Sunday, March 30, 2025 -  Llano, TX to Kingsland, TX

 This is a fund raising event for Railroad Partners, Inc.


This is a NARCOA insured event, and all NARCOA rules apply, including Rule Book v8.4 dated 01/24/2024

Saturday, March 29, 2025-:  McDade to Giddings;  60 miles round trip. One round trips planned, with some bonus mileage possible.

Sunday, March 30, 2025:   Llano to Kingsland; 44 miles round trip.

Saturday, March 29 - The details: McDade, TX to Giddings, TX

Set-On Information:


Pre-Registration and Pre-Payment preferred:
See details below

Set-On process:
Begins at 8:00am in downtown McDade, TX and continues through 9:00am.

Paperwork will be handled by an RPI representative at seton in McDade.

Set on as directed by an RPI Representative. Self-inspections prior to set-on are expected.  Spot inspections after set-on is typical.

Physical Set-On Location:
Approximately Marlin St at Old Hwy 20, McDade, TX.  The downtown area is small with good visibility.  Look for the motorcar activity for exact location.

Additional Time Information:
Safety Briefing at 9:15am
Departure about 9:30am
Lunch and restrooms at the  Exxon gas station at the west end of McDade.  No services at Giddings

Vehicle & Trailer Parking:
There are plenty of parking locations in the downtown area.

 Map of Downtown McDade, TX

Additional Details:
Cost: $50.00 per motorcar.
This fee covers railroad costs for our run.  Please pre pay by check or money order.  Due to recent changes at PayPal, that service is not currently available.  Please condider joining RPI - $30.00 per year individual.

See below contact information.


Reservations Expected:
Reservations may be made by e-mail.
See below contact information.

Payment & Refund Policy:
Advance payment is requested.  
Full refunds less a $5.00 processing fee will be issued for any reserved car unable to attend or if the event is canceled.
If a motorcar is set-on the rails, but is unable to complete the trip for any reason, no refund will be issued.

Contact Information:
NARCOA Event Coordinator:

Leland Stewart
11057 Palomino Canyon
Converse, TX 78109
210-863-5397 (cell)
E-Mail: poppermaker@gmail.com

Weather Advisory:
This time of year in central Texas is generally very pleasant.
Be prepared for inclement weather including sun/heat and cold/wet.
Rain showers are a distinct possibility.  Bring your rain gear.
We plan to operate this motorcar run rain or shine.
Each motorcar operator is expected to pre-inspect their motorcar using NARCOA Rail Vehicle Inspection Form 4.0 dated 01/24/2024. Bring this completed form with you to be used in the on-site motorcar inspection process. Copies of this form will also be available at the paperwork site on the day of the run.

Breakdown Rule:

Limited to about 10 minutes before disabled car is placed under tow.


The $50.00 payment for the McDade Branch motorcar run can be made by check or money order.  Plese send to the address below.  Due to recent changes at PayPal, that opetion is not currently available.  We hope to correct that soon.
 Please make your check payable to Railroad Partners, Inc.  Simply mail your payment directly to the event coordinator:

Leland Stewart
11057 Palomino Canyon
Converse, TX 78109

Lunch in McDade

Scales Cafe in McDade
Cafe is a short walk from the rail just west of the downtown area of McDade.  Scales is connected to an Exxon gas station and quick-mart.
You might consider bringing your own lunch as well.

McDade Hotel / Motel Information

McDade is a small community without any local hotel or motels.  Please seek overnight accomodations in adjacent towns.

Giddings / McDade Area Information

Lodging Information

Shopping Opportunities

Historical Attractions

Annual Events




Sunday, March 30, 2025 - The details: Llano, TX to Kingsland, TX


Set-On Information:

Pre-Registration and Pre-Payment preferred.

Set-On process:
Begins at 8:00am and continues through 9:00am.
Please arrive with plenty of time to complete all seton AND
inspection activities by 9:00am.

Paperwork will be handled by an RPI representative at the
Llano Wye. Set on as directed by an RPI Representative.
Inspections after set-on.

Physical Set-On Location:
Preferred set-on location is the east leg of wye at E. Grayson St.
This is a dirt crossing with limited local vehicle traffic.
Alternate set-on location is the North extension of the wye at E-Tarrant St.
This is an active local paved crossing.  It is a busy area with adjacent feed store.
Only heaver cars/trailers should use this crossing.

Additional Time Information:
Safety Briefing at 9:15am
Departure about 9:30am
Lunch in Kingsland. See details below.
Return to Llano mid to late afternoon.

Vehicle & Trailer Parking:
There are plenty of parking locations within and adjacent to the wye.

Planned Stops:
Lunch in Kingsland

There are a couple of restaurants adjacent to the railroad tracks and
this location is planned as our lunch break location.







 Map of Downtown Llano, TX

Additional Details:
$40.00 per motorcar.
RPI uses 100% of this fee to further our mission.
Payment can be made by check payable to RPI,
money order or through PayPal.
Please consider joining RPI - $30.00 annual dues or $50.00 for a family.

Reservations Preferred:
Reservations may be made by e-mail.
See below contact information.

Payment & Refund Policy:
Advance payment is preferred.  
Full refunds less a $5.00 processing fee will be issued for any reserved car unable to attend or if the event is canceled.
If a motorcar is set-on the rails, but is unable to complete the trip for any reason, no refund will be issued.

Contact Information:
NARCOA Event Coordinator:
Frank Glatzl
1315 County Rd. 222
Florence, TX 76527
(512) 484-4102
E-Mail: glatzl@sbcglobal.net

Weather Advisory:
This time of year in central Texas is generally very pleasant.  Be prepared for inclement weather including sun/heat and cold/wet.
Rain showers are a distinct possibility.  Bring your rain gear.
We plan to operate this motorcar run rain or shine.
Each motorcar operator is expected to pre-inspect their motorcar using the
NARCOA Rail Vehicle Inspection Form 4.0 dated 01/24/2024.
Bring this completed form with you to be used in the on-site motorcar inspection process.  Copies of this form will also be available at the paperwork site on the day of the run.

Breakdown Rule:
Casual: limited to about 15 minutes before disabled car is placed under tow.




The $40.00 payment for the Llano RPI motorcar run can be directly to us by using the below address.   Due to recent changes at PayPal that option is not currently available.  We hope to have that option available soon.
 You may also send payment by check or money order.  Please make your check payable to Railroad Partners, Inc.  Simply mail your payment directly to the event coordinator:

Frank Glatzl
1315 County Rd. 222
Florence, TX 76527

Safety Items

Motorcar operations on this railroad are a privilege.  Lets help ensure future runs by being extra safe while on the property.

This will be a long day of motorcar operations.  Please be well rested at the start of the day.

Wear proper footwear for the environment.  Leather boots with steel toes preferred.  Please, no open toe shoes.

Restricted speed:  Always be able to stop your car within one-half the sight distance.

Grade Crossings:  Automobiles have the right of way.  We plan to have flagmen in place at the major crossings.  Details at the safety meeting.

Additional Items to keep in mind:
Always be on the alert for moving equipment while working near any railroad tracks or facilities.

Do not step or walk on the top of the rail, frog, switches, guardrails, or other track components.

In passing around ends of standing cars, engines, railroad machinery, and other on-track equipment, leave at least one railcar length (50 feet) between yourself and the end of of the equipment.

Avoid walking or standing on track at any time.

When it is necessary to walk or work on track, always keep a sharp lookout in both directions for approaching trains or equipment.

Before stepping or crossing tracks, look in both directions first. The same is true when walking around machinery and equipment on and about the tracks.

Do not sit on, lie under, or cross between cars except as required in performance of your duty and only when track and equipment are under proper protection.

In multiple track territory, do not stand on one track while a train is passing on another.

Always expect movement at any time, on any track, in either direction.

Always keep in mind that a split second of inattention can result in a serious accident.

Llano Hotel/Motel Information

The Llano Chamber of Commerce web site does a good job of detailing Hotel/Motels, Bed and Breakfasts, RV Campsites and other lodging facilities near Llano, TX. Below is a listing of hotels from their website.  Other properties are listed on the CoC website.

 Antlers Hotel Kingsland, TX (325) 388 - 4411

 Days Inn & Suites (325) 247 - 1141

 Best Western (325) 247 - 4101

 Llano Motel (325) 247 - 5786

 Canyon of the Eagles (512) 756 - 8787

 Lone Star Inn (325) 247 - 4111

 Dabbs Railroad Hotel (325) 247 - 2200

 Walden Plantation  (325) 247 - 2046

Llano Area Restaurants

A listing of area eating establishments is on the Llano Chamber of Commerce website.

The Llano Branch's story

 Llano Branch Timetable - Milepost Details

Historic Details Along The Llano Branch

 Historic Timeline of the Llano Branch's Construction

 Llano Uplift Geology

Railroad Partners, Inc.

Railroad Partners, Inc. is an organization dedicated to the maintenance and preservation of active railroad right of ways in Texas and adjoining states.
The mission of Railway Partners, Inc. is:

1) to use volunteer labor and privately owned maintenance equipment to preserve historic rail corridors in partnership with communities, railroads, local governments and other entities and individuals;
2) to acquaint the public with the geography, local history and cultural landmarks of such corridors;
3) to support efforts to educate the public regarding safety within rail corridors;
4) to build community support for the preservation of out-of-service or soon to be out-of-service rail corridors; and
5) to promote safe maintenance and other activities within historic rail corridors through training and mutual cooperation with rail-related groups.
Railroad Partners, Inc. is excited to be to work with NARCOA and our NARCOA Event Coordinator, Leland Stewart, on our second motorcar run. At the time of this writing, our application is pending with Internal Revenue Service application process to become a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.

We need dues-paying members and volunteers to help further our mission stated above.  Please consider joining our group.
An on-line application and instructions can be found at:  www.railroadpartners.com .