Railroad Partners, Inc.

Winter Motorcar Run on the
Border Pacific Railroad
in Penitas, Texas
Saturday, March 1
Sunday, March 2, 2025
This is a 2-Day event!

 This is a fundraising event for Railroad Partners, Inc.


This is a NARCOA insured event, and all NARCOA rules apply, including Rule Book v8.4 dated 01/24/20224


This is a 2-day trip with each day being a round trip of approximately 60 miles departing from Penitas, TX. This scenic stretch of a former Missouri Pacific Branch track parallels the Rio Grande River within sight of Mexico.  Wild life and migrating birds should be seen in abundance.  Mentoring on this run only with advance permission.  Hy-Rails welcome.  Participants will travel from Penitas, TX, to Rio Grande City and return.




The details:

Set-On Information:

Pre-Registration Required; Pre-Payment preferred:
See details below

Set-On Time: 8:00am
Begins at 8:00am
Individual Set-on & motorcar inspections after paperwork is complete.

Physical Set-On Location:
FM 1427 at the railroad crossing in Penitas, TX
This location is ~1.5 south of US 83
Penitas is west of Mission on US 83

Vehicle & Trailer Parking:
Parking available adjacent to set-on location.


 Map of Penitas, TX

Additional Details:


$50.00 per motorcar includes railroad fees.

Payment can be made by check payable to RPI or
money order.  Due to changes at PayPal, we are not currently
accepting payments through that platform.

Reservations Required:
Reservations may be made by e-mail.
See below contact information.

Payment & Refund Policy:
Advance payment is preferred.  
Full refunds less a $5.00 processing fee will be issued for any reserved car unable to attend or if the event is canceled.

If a motorcar is set-on the rails, but is unable to complete the trip for any reason, no refund will be issued.

Contact Information:
NARCOA Event Coordinator:

Leland Stewart
11057 Palomino Canyon
Converse, TX 78109

210-863-5397 (cell)
E-Mail: poppermaker@gmail.com

Weather Advisory:
This time of year in south Texas is generally pleasant.  Be prepared for inclement weather including sun/heat and cold/wet.
Bring your rain gear, cold weather gear, sunscreen and big floppy hat.
We plan to operate this motorcar run rain or shine.

Each motorcar operator is expected to pre-inspect their motorcar using the NARCOA Rail Vehicle Inspection Form v4.0 dated 01/21/2024 .  Bring this completed form with you to be used in the on-site motorcar inspection process. Copies of this form will also be available at the paperwork site on the day of the run.

Breakdown Rule:
Casual: limited to about 15 minutes before disabled car is placed under tow.

Planned Stops:
There are no facilities en route between Penitas and Rio Grande City so we will not have a scheduled stop. We will make a short stop along the way to stretch our legs. If the weather is warm (and that is likely) there will be the possibility of snakes near the tracks so be aware.

As usual sturdy ankle top shoes are required and I would highly recommend long pants and no shorts. There are some short sections where we will encounter some weeds. The line runs through a very rural area with a few small villages along the track.

There is a small restaurant  adjacent to the railroad near Rio Grande City.  We usually stop here for lunch.  Pack plenty of snacks in case our lunch plan has to change!

The $50.00 payment for the Border Pacific motorcar run can be made via mail by check or money order.
Due to recent changes at PayPal, this payment platform is currently not available. We plan to correct that issue soon.

Please make your check payable to Railroad Partners, Inc.
Simply mail your payment directly to the event coordinator:

Leland Stewart
11057 Palomino Canyon
Converse, TX 78109

Safety Items

Motorcar operations on this railroad are a privilege.  Lets help ensure future runs by being extra safe while on the property.

This will be a long day of motorcar operations.  Please be well rested at the start of the day.

Wear proper footwear for the environment.  Leather boots with steel toes preferred.  Please no open toe shoes.

Restricted speed:  Always be able to stop your car within one-half the sight distance.

Grade Crossings:  Automobiles have the right of way.  We plan to have flagmen in place at the major crossings.  Details at the safety meeting.

Additional Items to keep in mind:
Always be on the alert for moving equipment while working near any Railroad tracks or facilities.

Do not step or walk on the top of the rail, frog, switches, guardrails, or other track components.

In passing around ends of standing cars, engines, railroad machinery, and other on-track equipment, leave at least one railcar length (50 feet) between yourself and the end of the equipment.

Avoid walking or standing on track at any time.

When it is necessary to walk or work on track, always keep a sharp lookout in both directions for approaching trains.

Before stepping or crossing tracks, look in both directions first. The same is true when walking around machinery and equipment on and about the tracks.

Do not sit on, lie under, or cross between cars except as required in performance of your duty and only when track and equipment are under proper protection.

In multiple track territory, do not stand on one track while a train is passing on another.

Always expect movement at any time, on any track, in either direction.

Always keep in mind that a split second of inattention can result in a serious accident.

Lunch in Rio Grande City

Restaurants in Rio Grande City:
Within a short walk of the railroad in Rio Grand City, there are restaurants available.

The Border Pacific Railroad

The Border Pacific Railroad (reporting mark BOP) is a short-line railroad headquartered in Rio Grande City, Texas, United States.
BOP operates a 31.6 miles (51 km) line from Rio Grande City to an interchange with Union Pacific (via Rio Valley Switching Company) at Mission, Texas.  BOP traffic includes silica sand, ballast, crushed stone, asphalt, scrap paper, and feed grains.
The line was opened in 1925 and became part of Missouri Pacific in 1956. Short line service started in 1984.

 A hearty "thank-you" is owed to the railroad for allowing this run.  

The photos below photos of an early "test" runs on this line.

Railroad Partners, Inc.

Railroad Partners, Inc. is an organization dedicated to the maintenance and preservation of active railroad right of ways in Texas and adjoining states.
The mission of Railway Partners, Inc. is:

1) to use volunteer labor and privately owned maintenance equipment to preserve historic rail corridors in partnership with communities, railroads, local governments and other entities and individuals;
2) to acquaint the public with the geography, local history and cultural landmarks of such corridors;
3) to support efforts to educate the public regarding safety within rail corridors;
4) to build community support for the preservation of out-of-service or soon to be out-of-service rail corridors; and
5) to promote safe maintenance and other activities within historic rail corridors through training and mutual cooperation with rail-related groups.

We need dues-paying members and volunteers to help further our mission stated above.  Please consider joining our group.
An on-line application and instructions can be found at:  www.railroadpartners.org .